BCT Press Release
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Press Release

How Blood Emergency Readiness Corps Supports an Adequate U.S. Blood Supply


In many disasters and critical need scenarios – like mass shootings, natural disasters, or large-scale accidents, a significant amount of blood is required immediately. Sadly, with current national donation rates, most blood centers lack sufficient blood on their shelves to handle such emergencies, often relying on neighboring blood collectors for urgent supplies.

That's why the Blood Emergency Readiness Corps, BERC, was established. BERC is a group of blood centers spread across the U.S. that unite in preparation for potential mass transfusion disasters that may occur. These blood centers collect additional units of blood on a rotating "on-call" schedule, ensuring a readily available supply during disasters or emergencies.

At Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies​, we take immense pride in supporting BERC and its lifesaving mission. Terumo BCT is BERC's first corporate donor. By creating this unified front, a safe and reliable blood supply will be ready and available whenever needed, without delays or uncertainty. Together, we can make a difference in the aftermath of a disaster.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the blood centers within the BERC network for their unwavering dedication. They help to ensure that blood is readily available during emergencies.



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