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How the PRP Process Disposable Works

Selective Enrichment of the Stem-Cell-Rich Mononuclear Fraction

The floating shelf used in our PRP process disposable is specifically designed to selectively capture the mononuclear fraction of the WBC population. Many other PRP systems remove this important component from their PRP preparations.
This fraction contains the majority of peripheral stem cells, identified by the CD34+ marker. CD34+ cells aid in angiogenesis and tissue regeneration at the application site. The concentration of stem cells found in PRP prepared on the SmartPrep system is indicated by the predominance of CD34+ cells.1,2

Reduction of the Inflammatory Granulocyte Fraction

Similarly, the floating shelf of the process disposable also preferentially reduces the granulocyte cell population in the final PRP product, delivering lower-than-baseline levels to limit inflammation.

Composition and Concentration of a Typical PRP Preparation3

Whole Blood Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies Platelet
Concentrate System
WBCs 5.83 × 103/μL 21.09 × 103/μL
Mononuclear cells 7.87% 12.42%
Granulocytes 65.22% 24.46%
CD34+ (total cells delivered) 17,470/mL

SmartPrep® System Platelet Concentrate Process Disposables

SmartPrep System Platelet Concentrate (PC) Process Disposables are used with the SmartPrep System. This system provides valuable flexibility to process all three major autologous biologics—PRP, concentrated bone marrow aspirate (BMA) and concentrated adipose tissue—using a single platform.4,5

Cell Capture Technology

The process disposable includes a proprietary, self-calibrating floating shelf for concentrating platelets.

Watch the Platelet Concentrate System in action.

1Giusti I, Rughetti A, D’Ascenzo S, et al. Identification of an optimal concentration of platelet gel for promoting angiogenesis in human endothelial cells. Transfusion. 2009;49(4):771-778.

2Kuroda R, Matsumoto T, Kawakami Y, Fukui T, Mifune Y, Kurosaka M. Clinical impact of circulating CD34-positive cells on bone regeneration and healing. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. 2014;20(3):190-199.

3Kevy S, et al. Defining the composition and healing effect of platelet-rich plasma for regenerative medicine. Presented at: 2010 TERMIS Americas; 5 to 8 December 2010; Orlando, Florida.

4Data on file with Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies.

5Kevy SV, Jacobson MS. Platelet concentrate preparation: a comparison of the SmartPrep® 2 with the Biomet GPS® Ill. Presented at: Immune Disease Institute; 2008.

Risk Information: These procedures require needle access, possibly resulting in discomfort, tenderness, bruising, swelling, bleeding or pain at the access site, at which there is a small risk of infection. Lightheadedness, fainting, nausea or vomiting may occur. Before any medical procedure, review prescription and nonprescription medications and any natural or herbal remedies your patient is taking or plans to take.


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